<!-- TWO STEPS TO INSTALL CALORIES BURNED: 1. Paste the specified coding into the HEAD of your HTML document 2. Put the last code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <!-- STEP ONE: Copy this code into the HEAD your HTML document --> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!--Total Java Scripts 99 - Next Step Software--> <!-- Begin var myWeight; var myDistance; function HowMany(form) { var difference; difference = (myDistance * myWeight) * .653; form.Fdiff.value = difference; if (difference < 100) { form.comment.value="You better start working!"; } if (difference > 101 && difference < 200) { form.comment.value="Nice run, but you can do better."; } if (difference > 201 && difference < 300) { form.comment.value="Very good! Push above 300 next time."; } if (difference > 301 && difference < 500) { form.comment.value="Great! Your a runner.....keep it up!"; } if (difference > 501 && difference < 700) { form.comment.value="Bill Rogers move over!"; } if (difference > 701) { form.comment.value="Your my hero! Have a jelly doughnut."; } } function SetMyWeight(weight) { myWeight = weight.value; } function SetmyDistance(dis) { myDistance = dis.value; } function ClearForm(form){ form.myWeight.value = ""; form.myDistance.value = ""; form.Fdiff.value = ""; form.comment.value = ""; } // End --> </SCRIPT> <!-- STEP TWO: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <BODY> <CENTER> <FORM METHOD="POST"> <TABLE border=3> <TR> <TR> <TD><div align=center>Your<br>Weight</div></TD> <TD><div align=center>Miles<br>run</div></TD> <TD><div align=center>Calories<br>burned</div></TD> <TD><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON ONCLICK="HowMany(this.form)" VALUE="Calculate"></TD> </TR> <tr> <TD><div align=center><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=myWeight SIZE="4"ONCHANGE="SetMyWeight(this)"></div></TD> <TD><div align=center><INPUT TYPE=text NAME=myDistance SIZE="4"ONCHANGE="SetmyDistance(this)"></div></TD> <TD><div align=center><INPUT TYPE=text NAME="Fdiff" VALUE="" SIZE="6"></div></TD> <TD><div align=center><INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=" Reset " onClick="ClearForm(this.form)"></div></tr> </table> <table border=3> <tr> <TD><DIV ALIGN=CENTER>Comments</DIV></TD> <TD><INPUT TYPE=text NAME="comment" size="37"></td> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM> </CENTER> <!-- Script Size: 2.40 KB -->
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